Darujemo knjigu: Branislav Glumac – The Girl from Zagreb

U suradnji s izdavačkom kućom VBZ, portal Menu daruje 3 primjerka knjige Branislava Glumca na engleskom jeziku ‘The Girl from Zagreb’ (‘Zagrepčanka’).
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Roman ‘Zagrepčanka’ objavljen je 1974. i od tada je doživio čak 12 izdanja. Vrlo brzo stekao je status kultnog romana koji je obilježio jedno vrijeme, ali to je roman koji su čitale mnoge generacije. Kroz priču o životu djevojke Marijene, govori o odrastanju jedne generacije. Marijana potječe iz višeg sloja, školuje se za liječnicu, no ne zadržava se u miljeu u kojem je odrasla, već se kreće u raznim dijelovima grada, ne bježeći niti od periferije. Ona je promiskuitetna, spava s bogatim muškarcima, živi posve neobuzdano. Obitelj doživljava kao lažnu, potrošenu licemjernu zajednicu u kojoj roditelji streme tek ugledu i moći. Glumac nam ne nudi nikakav sladunjav kraj. Baš zbog toga što nije nimalo uljepšavao, već je brutalno razgolitio ljude i njihovo ponašanje, u situacijama koje su danas jednako žive kao i prije 40 godina, Zagrepčanka je roman koji će voljeti i nove generacije.
Darija Žilić

The Cult Novel of the Generations that Lived Through Sexual Revolution and the End of Communism

‘The Girl from Zagreb’ was first published in 1974 and has since seen 12 editions. It soon acquired the status of a cult novel that marked one era, but at the same time it is a novel read by many generations. By telling a story about Marijana, a girl from Zagreb, the novel speaks about a generation growing up. Marijana comes from an upper class family, she is in a student at medical school, preparing to become a doctor. However, she does not stick to the milieu in which she grew up, but ventures into different parts of the city, not avoiding its periphery. She is promiscuous, she sleeps with rich men and leads a wild life. For her, family is a fake, spent, hypocritical union in which parents strive only to gain reputation and power. Glumac does not offer a happy end to this story, far from it. And precisely because of the fact that he did not embellish anything, but brutally stripped the people and their behavior of all the disguises, in the situations that are alive today just as they were 40 years ago, The Girl from Zagreb is a novel new generations will also love.
Darija Žilić


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